Break it Down: Real Madrid name & number kit 13/14
How about the backside of the jersey. Does it come blank or do the put a name and number kit up there to hang ?
Great question. In fact it all depends. As standard comes as blank but if you want to put something up there to hang well it is all up for grabs – you can do it.
Is the stuff official ? or it is just something you dig up from the ground wherever you might be at the time ?
Yeah in fact the stuff is official and licensed. It is the real deal really. Take my word for it man.
mmm OK. But can we take a closer look then ? yup sure we can. Let’s bring it on!
yeah you are right. it is a font. it is a color. and it is a logo. Who is Ronaldo anyway ? and it is black. Did I mention that already ?
So the real key to the name and number kit must be the logo. Is that true ? yeah sure it is. The logo is really what it is all about. Spirit and soul of the thing. Without the logo no nothing. It is really pretty much centered down there at the bottom that is where all the juice is flowing. mmm but in that case can we take a closer look then ? Yap. no problem.
Looks pretty cool doesn’t it ? yeah it is a good shot. And orange is definitely a color with positive connotations.
So it is pretty much spot on.