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Atletico Madrid home jersey 2013/14

Atletico Madrid home jersey 2013/14

Atletico Madrid is back in style. An amazing turn around over the course of 2 seasons by now has put the club right up there among the top teams in Europe. Complimentos!

Atletico Madrid home jersey 2013/14 full

So let’s break it down. Shall we start from the top ? First up is the collar!

110 years of legend + the new credo for the European soccer clubs – go global thus a slogan in English:

A team for the world

Atletico Madrid home kit Collar me bad


The backside of the collar. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Castilia is the province at the center of Spain. Madrid and the institutions of Madrid are part and backers of the unity of Spain.


Atletico de Madrid backside of collar ES flag


But apart from the Spain theme there is also the theme of City, Region , and historical country.

Atletico Madrid club badge


The coat of arms of the city of Madrid.

Coat of Arms for the city of Madrid

Looking at the typical colors of Atletico de Madrid and comparing those with the colors used for larger Madrid metro region one sees a certain similarity.

Comunidad de Madrid logo

But Atletico is not Real or royal in the same as Real Madrid so the theme of the crown is large absent from the Atletico badge.

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